Powerline адаптеры DEVOLO
"Сеть через розетку", сеть по электрическим проводам, powerline адаптеры,
речь пойдет именно об этих устройствах.
Для создания локальной сети powerline адаптеры используют обычную бытовую электропроводку.
Оптимальный вариант построения локальной сети
- Вы не умеете или не хотите строить локальную сеть
- Вы не хотите отрывать плинтуса во всех комнатах для прокладки проводов
- Вам необходимо построить локальную сеть в арендованной (съемной) квартире
- Вам необходимо подключить к сети устройство в не запланированном до ремонта месте
- Вам необходимо быстро построить локальную сеть в новом офисе или загородном доме
Powerline адаптеры:
Модель | Скорость передачи |
Максимальная дистанция |
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 Wi-Fi (500Mbps) | 500Mb/s | 300m |
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 Wi-Fi (500Mbps) (комплект 3 штуки) | 500Mb/s | 300m |
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 AVmini (500Mbps) | 500Mb/s | 300m |
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 AVplus (500Mbps) (комплект 3 штуки) | 500Mb/s | 300m |
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 Wi-Fi
Описание(с сайта производителя)
Wi-Fi, wherever you want it
The perfect combination: dLAN® powerline technology and Wi-Fi Finally, full-strength reception for smartphones and tablets Including one-of-a-kind WiFi Move Technology Integrated fast Ethernet connection Compact and unobtrusive design Product description
dLAN® 500 WiFi technology combines the latest technology and unobtrusive design with the best Internet connection. As a Powerline adapter, the dLAN® 500 WiFi uses internal power lines as a long cable, thereby bringing the Internet to any room. The integrated wireless LAN also provides complete Internet coverage to every nook and cranny. Smartphones, tablets and laptops have full-strength coverage right from the start without any problems. An additional terminal device can be connected at any time (such as a Smart TV or game console) using the additional fast Ethernet connection. Intelligent WiFi Move Technology provides even more freedom: Now, smartphones, tablets and laptops are automatically connected to the Internet – the best Wi-Fi reception in any room or floor automatically! And the compact and unobtrusive design can be integrated into any residential interior without looking out of place. The dLAN® 500 WiFi from devolo brings the future to your home.
Примеры использования:
DEVOLO dLAN® 500 AVplus
Описание(с сайта производителя)
Faster than a network cable or Wireless LAN - the best and easiest connection for your digital world
With 500 Mbps, it is perfect for bandwidth-intensive HD and 3D transmissions and ideally suited for entertainment products such as IPTV Set-Top-Boxes
dLAN® 500 is faster than a network cable or Wireless LAN-for future-proof networking throughout the home! *
Equipped with Gigabit-LAN port
With integrated electrical socket. No power outlet goes to waste, and the integrated mains filter ensures the best possible data transmission
Simple, fast and secure-backed up by our 3-year warranty!
Full compatibility with all 200AV HomePlug AV adapters Inside Geeks
Product description
Make use of the home network of the future today, and connect computers and consumer electronics via the household power line-with the dLAN® 500 AVplus! All devices can be connected to each other and the Internet quickly, easily and securely. dLAN® reaches speeds of up to 500 Mbps and features even higher performance than network cables or WLAN-and that without WLAN picture stutter or the need to route cables. And with its integrated electrical socket, no power outlet goes to waste.